Monday, October 1, 2012


Why? Why do we want to adopt?  The short answer is family; we want to build our family.  The long answer is more complicated and WAY too long.  So here is our medium sized list.

1. We want to build our family.
2.  We believe adoption is a valid way to build a family and that adopted members of a family are just as valuable as those born into a family.
3. We love being parents and we want more children.  I want four children and B wants less, we’re shooting for three and then we plan to reassess.
4.  Adoption provides a family (not a home, a family) for a child that otherwise may not have had one.
5. Adoption sometimes provides a life for a child who otherwise would have died.
6.   No one deserves to be an orphan
7. Adoption is a way for me have my big family without contributing to overpopulation (reproductive replacement rate in a first world country is 2.1 children per adult woman)
8.  I have wanted to adopt since my father talked about it when I was a little kid. 
9.  I feel called to adopt, can’t explain it I just feel that way.
10.   Adoption will challenge us a parents and we believe will make us better parents to all of our children.
11. I have been pregnant four times and we have one living child

The last point on our list is not really WHY we are adopting, but rather why we’re working on it now.  We planed on adopting at a later point in our family building even before our first pregnancy.  Our plan hasn’t really changed, our timeline has.


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